Post Lock Down Re-Opening
Monday 12th April 2021 – Another Monday, another new week.
However, this week is going to be very different. With restrictions continuing to be lifted we’re so pleased that we’re able to welcome customers back in-store again from today. This period of closure has felt like a long one and we’re forever grateful for the support we’ve received from you all! Whether it be orders online, over the phone or just getting in touch to ask how we’re getting on we’d like to say a big THANK YOU!
Looking to the week ahead and beyond we want to let you know that we’ll be reverting back to our usual opening times which are 9am – 5:30pm Monday to Saturday, we’ll be closed on Sunday’s for the time being. When in-store we ask that you respect social distancing between yourselves and both other customers and members of staff. Don’t forget to please wear a face covering too and if we ask you to wait outside for a few moments it’s not because we don’t want to see you we’re just conscious of making sure things are safe in-store.
For those of you that are understandably still cautious about visiting us in-store our collection and delivery service will continue to operate, please contact us for more information.
As we’ve prepared to open our doors again we’ve been continually reminded how much we much we love what we do and we cannot wait to share that passion in person with you, our incredible customers, again. 9am cannot come soon enough, the door will be unlocked and we’ll be ready to serve (yes a racket pun! 😉), all from a safe distance.
Thank you for reading and HAPPY MONDAY…
The Withers Team